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New Map Styles Package

MapTiler Map Styles Package 3.14 is now available for download and use with MapTiler Server!

With the new package, we included new Map Styles, Datasets and Fonts.

For more information, read our Guide to Map Styles Package 3.14.


MapTiler Data Notifications is Live!

Previously called "changelog", is replaced by MapTiler Data Notifications.

We added new types of notifications that you can subscribe to, namely:

OSM - weekly Open Street Map data updates

Datasets - information about new versions of datasets

Newsletter - general information, company news, product news

Error - information about issues and bugs

MapTiler Server - information about MapTiler Server releases

In order to check the history, go to the notifications history page where we added filters to make it easier to browse through all the content in there.

Web page updated

A new changelog is available.

Show all previous logs.

You may subscribe to an email notification for new changes after sign-in.